Thursday 13 April 2017

Some Cool Ways to Customize Your Mac

MacBooks are a stunning example of minimalist user interface and design with sleek lines, simple shapes and uncomplicated designs. But the reality is that all of them look the same, whether it is basic MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. Though being simple, Macbooks make a perfect canvas for customization. 

If you are a person who spends a lot of time using your Mac, covering everything from work to play then here are some cool ways to personalize and build your custom Mac.

    Change the wallpaper all day
You probably know that you can change the wallpaper on your laptop, but there is one setting that will make your Mac more interesting. At the bottom of the window look for change picture icon and choose the frequency and to make the image unpredictable, select random order option. Doing this you will never know which image comes up and your Mac will be a source of surprise.

    Try iTunes artwork screensaver
When you are not working, the screen turns black and the Apple icon keeps shifting on the screen. You do not have to settle for this, pick something different. Go to the menu, select Screensaver tab. Scroll down the list and select iTunes Artwork and then click Screensaver Option. Choose the number of album cover rows as well as the delay time. When the screensaver is in action, hover the cursor over the artwork and click to start the music.  

    Add spacers to dock
The dock on your Mac can become cluttered with many app icons. You can add space between icons to organize them. Open a terminal and enter this command: defaults write persistent-apps-arry-add '{"tile-type"="spacer-tile";}' and then killall Dock. Once the command has been executed the dock will automatically refresh and will create space between the icons.  Space can be easily removed by dragging them from the dock. 

With a little thought, time and effort you can make your MacBook truly yours.